A colour transmission contains the same information as a black and white transmission. An additional signal carries the colour information. A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 彩色传送包含黑白传送的同样信息,但彩色信息需要一个附加的信号。
The imperialists hoped to black out their radio transmission. 帝国主义者想不让他们的电台顺利进行广播。
Carbon black is an opacifier which prevents radiant energy transmission to the interior of the propellant. 炭黑是不透明的,可以防止辐射热传到推进剂内部。
This normally black display mode exhibits an excellent contrast ratio, achromatic light transmission, high brightness, low operation voltage and wide viewing angle on the director of parallel and vertical. 研究发现该常黑型显示模式具有很高的对比度、几乎无色散、高亮度、较低工作电压和在水平和垂直方向具有宽视角等特点。
These charming black and white works also appreciate those who have strong sensory stimulation, while at the transmission of information brings beauty to enjoy. 而这些充满魅力的黑白作品也使欣赏者产生强烈的感官刺激,在传递信息的同时给人带来美的享受。
Then I tested the first black stool time and fecal dry and wet weight ratio to reflect intestinal transmission function and the nature of stool. 检测首粒黑便排出时间及粪便干湿重比以反映肠道传输功能及粪便性质。